Eugenia's Story

Eugenia Balan is a born artist. She has been creating since she was five. She started with floral compositions, moved to creating her own clothes, creative writing, singing in choruses until, at the age of 15 she knew her father. Being a prominent journalist and writer, her father managed to awaken in her the love for writing. "That is it!", she thought. She would become a writer and remain one till the end of her days. But that was not it! That was just the beginning of her journey.

After finishing her bachelor's in pedagogy, she wanted more. She wanted to know more about the connection between our emotions and our happiness. She enrolled in a Masters in Clinical and Health Psychology in Romania. That study changed her life. That master helped her understand that happiness is inside us. It's just a matter of bringing it to life through activities that fill our souls with love and beauty.

"Beauty is inside each of us," she says. "We just should look deeper for it. We just should let it unveil through what we love most doing."

Eugenia kept looking for activities that would bring her inner beauty to the outside world. At the age of 29, during the COVID time, she discovered visual arts. She pursued another study in graphic and digital design. She taught herself drawing and painting by taking a lot of online courses. She fell in love with visual and fine arts. Therefore, she started dreaming about transforming her passion into a profession.

Years later, she found the Milan Art Institute, where she brought the love for fine arts to a higher level. She absolved the Mastery Program, becoming a professional fine artist. Now she is a full-time artist and a passionate writer. Her artwork is layered with deep human emotions. Through her brushstrokes, Eugenia expresses the deep connection to ourselves, love, hope, authenticity and inner beauty. She lives by the quote of Bob Ross: "Talent is nothing more than a pursued interest". She truly believes it, because that is exactly what happened to her.

At this point, she is living her dream of creating. She creates visual arts, and she does a lot of writing. Now she knows for sure: this is it! It is what she wants to dedicate her life to.

"I am inspired by beauty. Inner beauty that translates to the outer beauty is what the world longs for. My hope is that the art I create inspires people to look deeper into themselves. To look for a path that would make them happy and to pursue it. I want that my art inspires people to be a better self." - Eugenia Balan

Eugenia currently lives in Germany, in Nuremberg, with her significant other. She travels to international destinations to get more inspiration for her art. In the future she hopes to write more books about creativity, art and finding your own path in life.

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